Here we go!
What a task, I am not a computer person. I like working with my hands, and making stuff that I can hold or use like knives. Today I decided to do what I started to do a couple of weeks ago, but have been intimidated by and loath to do… build a website. This website is being built with Squarespace. It is easier than I thought it would be to do, once I just decide to dive into the deep end. I don’t know how often I will post on this blog. I wouldn’t mind writing something every so often to let folks know what is going on. And so that I can look back and see my progress, but then again this could be the only one, who the hell knows? I could delete this blog section tonight if I decide to. Now I have written a blog, who’d of thought. If you think I should continue the blog let me know, and buy a kickass knife!
Will Spears and JackDog on an iceburg in Portage Creek